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Fehler bei Ntbackup

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Ich habe einen SBS 2003 und sichere Täglich mit Ntbackup.

Alle meine Sicherungen werden als ok angez. Nur leider habe ich folgende Meldung in meiner Ereignisanzeige stehen:


certsrv.exe (12584) Die Sicherung wurde abgebrochen, weil sie vom Client angehalten wurde, oder weil die Verbindung mit dem Client unterbrochen wurde.


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ich habe gegoogelt und folgendes gefunden:


his error can also occur if the DHCP Server does not have full permission under %systemroot%\windows\system32\dhcp\backup. Verify if the SYSTEM account has full access to this folder and the subfolders as well.


This error occurs during a System State backup on any machine with a Certification Authority installed. If there are no problems reported in the backup log it can be safely ignored. See the link to "Bulletin Board Post" for additional information.


- Process name: certsrv.exe - From a newsgroup post: "Has MSDE or SQL been installed and then uninstalled on this server? If so, you may need to re-register the “SQLVDI.dll” file. To do so, follow these steps:

1. Stop SQL Server.

2. Click "Start", click "Run", type "Regsvr32 <Path>\SQLVDI.dll" (without the quotation marks) in the "Open" box, and then press ENTER. Note that by default the path to “SQLVDI.dll” is “C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\COM”.

3. Re-start SQL Server".

- Process: Information Store - See the links to "Veritas Support Document ID: 246973" and "Veritas Support Document ID: 250370" for information on this issue.


See M810333, M828535 and the link to "EventID 215 from source ESE98" for additional information on this event.


See M830575 for details from Microsoft for this event.


In our case, this error is logged when scheduled Exchange 2000 backup (using Windows 2000 Backup utility) fails.


As per Microsoft: "No user action is required unless you have lost network connectivity or Backup crashed. Then, restart database backup." See the link below.


Stammt alle von eventid.net




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