Delsaber 10 Geschrieben 30. Juli 2003 Melden Geschrieben 30. Juli 2003 To perform an unattended installation from a CD-ROM, the following conditions must be met: · The computer must support booting from a CD-ROM, and must adhere to the El-Torito non-emulation specification. · The unattended answer file must be renamed to Winnt.sif and copied to a floppy disk so Setup can access it. · The answer file must contain a valid [Data] section. This is explained later in this article. NOTE: The following limitations exist with this installation method: · The installation is limited to a single partition. · You cannot specify third-party drivers during Setup. back to the top Preparing the Computer for an Unattended Installation from a CD-ROM Create an unattended answer file using the Setup Manager tool included with the Microsoft Windows 2000 Resource Kit. Add a [Data] section with the following entries to the unattended answer file: · UnattendedInstall=Yes - Value must be set to "yes" · MSDosInitiated=No - Value must be set to "no" or Setup stops during the graphical portion of Setup · AutoPartition=1 - If the value is set to 1, the installation partition is automatically selected. If the value is set to 0 (zero), you are prompted for the installation partition during the text portion of Setup. Save the unattended answer file as winnt.sif on a floppy disk. Insert the Windows CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive and the floppy disk into the disk drive. Change the boot order in the CMOS so that the CD-ROM is first in the list. For information about how to do so, refer to the documentation included with your computer, or contact the manufacturer. Restart your computer. When Setup is started from the CD-ROM, the Winnt.sif file located on the floppy disk is used for the unattended installation. Zitieren
Delsaber 10 Geschrieben 30. Juli 2003 Melden Geschrieben 30. Juli 2003 als beispiel eine winnt.sif bzw infos darin: [Data] AutoPartition=1 MsDosInitiated="0" UnattendedInstall="Yes" [unattended] UnattendMode=FullUnattended OemPreinstall=Yes OemSkipEula=Yes OemPnPDriversPath=drivers\net DriverSigningPolicy = Ignore FileSystem=LeaveAloneTargetPath=2000sign [OEM_Ads] [GuiUnattended] AdminPassword=password AutoLogon=Yes AutoLogonCount=1 OEMSkipRegional=1 OEMSkipWelcome=1 TimeZone=85 [userData] ProductId="VVVVV-WWWWW-XXXXX-YYYYY-ZZZZZ" FullName="User1" OrgName="Vital" ComputerName="2000UI" [setupMgr] DistFolder=C:\I386 DistShare=I386 [Display] BitsPerPel=24 XResolution=800 YResolution=600 Vrefresh=72 [RegionalSettings] LanguageGroup=1es Language=00000809 [Components] accessopt=on calc=on cdplayer=on chat=off deskpaper=off dialer=off freecell=off hypertrm=off minesweeper=off pinball=off solitaire=off [identification] JoinWorkgroup=WORKGROUP [Networking] InstallDefaultComponents=No [NetAdapters] Adapter1=params.Adapter1 [params.Adapter1] INFID=* [NetClients] MS_MSClient=params.MS_MSClient [params.MS_MSClient] RPCSupportForBanyan=No [NetServices] MS_SERVER=params.MS_SERVER [params.MS_SERVER] [NetProtocols] MS_TCPIP=params.MS_TCPIP [params.MS_TCPIP] DNS=Yes UseDomainNameDevolution=No EnableLMHosts=Yes AdapterSections=params.MS_TCPIP.Adapter1 [params.MS_TCPIP.Adapter1] SpecificTo=Adapter1 DHCP=Yes DNSServerSearchOrder= WINS=No NetBIOSOptions=0 Zitieren
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