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Privilege Level

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Empfohlene Beiträge


Model number: WS-C2924-XL-EN

Exec commands:
 <1-99>           Session number to resume
 access-enable    Create a temporary Access-List entry
 clear            Reset functions
 connect          Open a terminal connection
 disable          Turn off privileged commands
 disconnect       Disconnect an existing network connection
 enable           Turn on privileged commands
 exit             Exit from the EXEC
 help             Description of the interactive help system
 lock             Lock the terminal
 login            Log in as a particular user
 logout           Exit from the EXEC
 name-connection  Name an existing network connection
 ping             Send echo messages
 rcommand         Run command on remote switch
 resume           Resume an active network connection
 set              Set system parameter (not config)
 show             Show running system information
 systat           Display information about terminal lines
 telnet           Open a telnet connection
 terminal         Set terminal line parameters
 traceroute       Trace route to destination
 tunnel           Open a tunnel connection
 where            List active connections


Exec commands:
 <1-99>           Session number to resume
 access-enable    Create a temporary Access-List entry
 access-template  Create a temporary Access-List entry
 archive          manage archive files
 cd               Change current directory
 clear            Reset functions
 clock            Manage the system clock
 configure        Enter configuration mode
 connect          Open a terminal connection
 copy             Copy from one file to another
 debug            Debugging functions (see also 'undebug')
 delete           Delete a file
 dir              List files on a filesystem
 disable          Turn off privileged commands
 disconnect       Disconnect an existing network connection
 enable           Turn on privileged commands
 erase            Erase a filesystem
 exit             Exit from the EXEC
 format           Format a filesystem
 fsck             Fsck a filesystem
 help             Description of the interactive help system
 hw-module        Commands to manipulate a target module
 lock             Lock the terminal
 login            Log in as a particular user
 logout           Exit from the EXEC
 mkdir            Create new directory
 more             Display the contents of a file
 name-connection  Name an existing network connection
 no               Disable debugging functions
 ping             Send echo messages
 pwd              Display current working directory
 rcommand         Run command on remote switch
 reload           Halt and perform a cold restart
 rename           Rename a file
 resume           Resume an active network connection
 rmdir            Remove existing directory
 rsh              Execute a remote command
 send             Send a message to other tty lines
 session          Start remote console session
 set              Set system parameter (not config)
 setup            Run the SETUP command facility
 show             Show running system information
 systat           Display information about terminal lines
 telnet           Open a telnet connection
 terminal         Set terminal line parameters
 test             Test subsystems, memory, and interfaces
 traceroute       Trace route to destination
 tunnel           Open a tunnel connection
 udld             UDLD protocol commands
 undebug          Disable debugging functions (see also 'debug')
 verify           Verify a file
 vlan             Configure VLAN parameters
 vmps             VMPS actions
 where            List active connections
 write            Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal


* 1 28 WS-C3560G-24TS 12.2(25)SEC C3560-IPSERVICES-M



Exec commands:
 <1-99>           Session number to resume
 access-enable    Create a temporary Access-List entry
 access-template  Create a temporary Access-List entry
 archive          manage archive files
 cd               Change current directory
 clear            Reset functions
 clock            Manage the system clock
 cns              CNS agents
 configure        Enter configuration mode
 connect          Open a terminal connection
 copy             Copy from one file to another
 debug            Debugging functions (see also 'undebug')
 delete           Delete a file
 dir              List files on a filesystem
 disable          Turn off privileged commands
 disconnect       Disconnect an existing network connection
 dot1x            Dot1x Exec Commands
 enable           Turn on privileged commands
 eou              EAPoUDP
 erase            Erase a filesystem
 exit             Exit from the EXEC
 format           Format a filesystem
 fsck             Fsck a filesystem
 help             Description of the interactive help system
 ip               Global IP commands
 lock             Lock the terminal
 login            Log in as a particular user
 logout           Exit from the EXEC
 mkdir            Create new directory
 monitor          Monitoring different system events
 more             Display the contents of a file
 mrinfo           Request neighbor and version information from a multicast router
 mrm              IP Multicast Routing Monitor Test
 mstat            Show statistics after multiple multicast traceroutes
 mtrace           Trace reverse multicast path from destination to source
 name-connection  Name an existing network connection
 no               Disable debugging functions
 no               Negate a command or set its defaults
 ping             Send echo messages
 pwd              Display current working directory
 rcommand         Run command on remote switch
 reload           Halt and perform a cold restart
 remote           Remote procedures
 rename           Rename a file
 renew            Renew
 resume           Resume an active network connection
 rmdir            Remove existing directory
 rsh              Execute a remote command
 send             Send a message to other tty lines
 set              Set system parameter (not config)
 setup            Run the SETUP command facility
 show             Show running system information
 systat           Display information about terminal lines
 telnet           Open a telnet connection
 terminal         Set terminal line parameters
 test             Test subsystems, memory, and interfaces
 traceroute       Trace route to destination
 tunnel           Open a tunnel connection
 udld             UDLD protocol commands
 undebug          Disable debugging functions (see also 'debug')
 upgrade          Upgrade commands
 verify           Verify a file
 vlan             Configure VLAN parameters
 vmps             VMPS actions
 vtp              Configure global VTP state
 where            List active connections
 write            Write running configuration to memory, network, or terminal




es gibt drei vordefinierte Level. Einmal 0,1,15. Insgesamt gibt es 16 Level. Die auch einzeln konfigurierbar sind.


0 => Gast Modus

1 => User Modus

15 => enabled modus



Du kannst ausprobieren, was im jeweiligen Level möglich ist, mit "enable [Modusnummer]", also z.B. "enable 0".


R3#enable 0


Exec commands:

call Voice call

disable Turn off privileged commands

enable Turn on privileged commands

exit Exit from the EXEC

help Description of the interactive help system

logout Exit from the EXEC



Privilege Command Enhancement




Der letzte Beitrag zu diesem Thema ist mehr als 180 Tage alt. Bitte erstelle einen neuen Beitrag zu Deiner Anfrage!

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